How to Measure PB Paddle Grip

Having the right grip size can make a BIG difference in how a paddle plays

  1. Natural Grip
  2. Index Finger Test
  3. Ring Finger Measurement
  4. Using your Height
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1. Natural Grip

The first test is the Natural grip test technique.  Grasp you paddle with a normal grip.  If your finger tips are digging into your palm, the paddle is too small.  On the other hand, if your fingers are one inch or more from your palm, the handle is too big for you.

The perfect fit is when your fingers feel snug around the handle with a firm grip leaving a slight space between the fingers and your palm.

Too Small

2. Index Finger Test

The next test is the index finger test.

Take the paddle in your hand, using a firm but comfortable continental grip

Too Small: If there isn’t any space between your fingers and your palm and your cannot get your opposite hand forefinger in the gap, this grip is too small

Too Big

Too Big: If there is extra space between your fingers and your palm and you can get your forefinger up to the thumb knuckle this paddle grip is too big.

Perfect Fit

Perfect Fit:

The best grip is when your index finger fits snugly within the gap between your ring finger and your palm.

Important Note:

If you have the choice between a larger handle and a smaller one, pick the smaller one it will be less stress on your joints

3. Ring Finger Measurement

The third method is the ring finger measurement. This is the most scientific method.  The process is simple and straightforward since all you need is to put the ruler or tape measure on your hand to get the measurement.

Simply measure the distance from the middle crease in your palm to the tip of the ring finger

Keep your hand fully open in a flat position. Then, take the ruler or tape measure and hold it flat to your hand.

Your grip size is the length between the roof of the third finger and the bottom lateral crease of your palm.

Ring Finger Measurement

4. Using your Height

The last way to measure for paddle grip size is by using your height.  This is the least scientific but still effective in a pinch.

Those under 5’ 2” will typically have a grip size around 4”

Those between 5’ 3” to around 5’ 8” will have a grip size around 4 1/8” to 4 ¼”

And typically tall people – anyone over 5’9” can use a grip around 4 1/2”

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One response to “How to Measure PB Paddle Grip”

  1. […] to react quickly and apply pressure on your opponents. Key components of a punch volley is a firm grip and face perpendicular positioning on the paddle. The contact point is in front of the body with […]



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